As in the R version, we will try to reproduce the results figure from single-cell integration benchmark (scIB) paper (Luecken et al., Nat Met, 2022). The purpose of the paper was to systematically evaluate and compare the performance of methods for integrating single-cell RNA and ATAC sequencing datasets.
This is the original figure:

We have included scib_summary.csv from funkyheatmap data
. Additionally, this data needs some preprocessing to be used in funkyheatmapjs.
function prepareData(data) {
'Unscaled': '–',
'Scaled': '+'
'Full': 'FULL',
'HVG': 'HVG'
const OUTPUT_IMG = {
'Features': 'matrix.png',
'Embedding': 'embedding.png',
'Graph': 'graph.png'
data.forEach((item, idx) => { = (idx + 1).toString();
item.scaling = SCALING_LABELS[item.scaling];
item.features = FEATURES_LABELS[item.features];
item.output_img = OUTPUT_IMG[item.output];
data = rowToColData(data);
const RANKS = {
'rank_pancreas': 'label_pancreas',
'rank_lung_atlas': 'label_lung_atlas',
'rank_immune_cell_hum': 'label_immune_cell_hum',
'rank_immune_cell_hum_mou': 'label_immune_cell_hum_mou',
'rank_mouse_brain': 'label_mouse_brain',
'rank_simulations_1_1': 'label_simulations_1_1',
'rank_simulations_2': 'label_simulations_2',
'package_rank': 'package_label',
'paper_rank': 'paper_label',
'time_rank': 'time_label',
'memory_rank': 'memory_label'
function labelTop3(vector) {
// d3.rank behaves like R `rank` with `ties.method = "min"`
let ranks = d3.rank( => +i));
return => {
if (rank < 3) {
return (rank + 1).toString();
return '';
for (let [rank, label] of Object.entries(RANKS)) {
data[label] = labelTop3(data[rank]);
const [min, max] = d3.extent(data[rank].map(i => +i));
data[rank] = data[rank].map(x => 1 - (x - min) / (max - min));
return data;
Here we created an id
column with the row numbers, along with replacing some text values and adding image paths for indication of method output. Additionally, we created text label columns for each of the ranking scores, which only have top 3 performers as strings, and empty otherwise.
Column information
Now we need to manually define how each column should be plotted, using ColumnInfo options.
const column_info = [
{id: "id", name: "Rank", geom: "text", group: "Method", options: {align: "right"}},
{id: "method", name: "Method", geom: "text", group: "Method"},
{id: "output_img", name: "Output", geom: "image", group: "Method", options: {width: 20}},
{id: "features", id_color: "features", name: "Features", geom: "text", group: "Method", options: {palette: "features"}},
{id: "scaling", name: "Scaling", geom: "text", group: "Method", options: {fontSize: 18, align: "center"}},
{id: "overall_pancreas", id_color: "rank_pancreas", name: "Pancreas", geom: "bar", group: "RNA", id_label: "label_pancreas", options: {palette: "blues", width: 1.5, draw_outline: false}},
{id: "overall_lung_atlas", id_color: "rank_lung_atlas", name: "Lung", geom: "bar", group: "RNA", id_label: "label_lung_atlas", options: {palette: "blues", width: 1.5, draw_outline: false}},
{id: "overall_immune_cell_hum", id_color: "rank_immune_cell_hum", name: "Immune (human)", geom: "bar", group: "RNA", id_label: "label_immune_cell_hum", options: {palette: "blues", width: 1.5, draw_outline: false}},
{id: "overall_immune_cell_hum_mou", id_color: "rank_immune_cell_hum_mou", name: "Immune (human/mouse)", geom: "bar", group: "RNA", id_label: "label_immune_cell_hum_mou", options: {palette: "blues", width: 1.5, draw_outline: false}},
{id: "overall_mouse_brain", id_color: "rank_mouse_brain", name: "Mouse brain", geom: "bar", group: "RNA", id_label: "label_mouse_brain", options: {palette: "blues", width: 1.5, draw_outline: false}},
{id: "overall_simulations_1_1", id_color: "rank_simulations_1_1", name: "Sim 1", geom: "bar", group: "Simulations", id_label: "label_simulations_1_1", options: {palette: "greens", width: 1.5, draw_outline: false}},
{id: "overall_simulations_2", id_color: "rank_simulations_2", name: "Sim 2", geom: "bar", group: "Simulations", id_label: "label_simulations_2", options: {palette: "greens", width: 1.5, draw_outline: false}},
{id: "package_score", id_color: "package_rank", name: "Package", geom: "bar", group: "Usability", id_label: "package_label", options: {palette: "oranges", width: 1.5, draw_outline: false}},
{id: "paper_score", id_color: "paper_rank", name: "Paper", geom: "bar", group: "Usability", id_label: "paper_label", options: {palette: "oranges", width: 1.5, draw_outline: false}},
{id: "time_score", id_color: "time_rank", name: "Time", geom: "bar", group: "Scalability", id_label: "time_label", options: {palette: "greys", width: 1.5, draw_outline: false}},
{id: "memory_score", id_color: "memory_rank", name: "Memory", geom: "bar", group: "Scalability", id_label: "memory_label", options: {palette: "greys", width: 1.5, draw_outline: false}}
As in the previous tutorial, here we define how each column should be visualized, with which color scheme, their names and groupings, and some additional options. For the ranking columns, we use bar
geom with width: 1.5, draw_outline: false
options. Importantly, for these columns we use id_color
option to indicate a different data column to get the color mapping from (coloring by ranking), and id_label
to indicate a separate data column to get the overlaying text from. This uses our prepared column with only top 3 methods labeled.
const column_groups = [
{level1: "Method", group: "Method", palette: "black"},
{level1: "RNA", group: "RNA", palette: "blues"},
{level1: "Simulations", group: "Simulations", palette: "greens"},
{level1: "Usability", group: "Usability", palette: "oranges"},
{level1: "Scalability", group: "Scalability", palette: "greys"}
For column groups we only define their titles and palettes to use.
Palettes and legends
const palettes = {
features: {colors: ["#4c4c4c", "#006300"], names: ['FULL', 'HVG']},
blues: "Blues",
greens: "Greens",
oranges: ["#7F2704", "#A63603", "#D94801", "#F16913", "#FD8D3C", "#FDAE6B", "#FDD0A2", "#FEE6CE", "#FFF5EB"],
greys: "Greys",
black: ["black", "black"]
Here we define the color palettes, with the features
palette being a CustomPalette with colors and names which would provide mapping for the corresponding strings. The rest of the palettes either map to a predefined panel (see defaultPalettes), or simply list colors.
const legends = [
title: "Output",
geom: "image",
size: 20,
values: ["matrix.png", "embedding.png", "graph.png"],
labels: ["Genes", "Embedding", "Graph"],
title: "Scaling",
geom: "text",
values: ["Scaled", "Unscaled"],
labels: ["+", "–"],
title: "RNA rank",
palette: "blues",
geom: "rect",
labels: ["20", "", "10", "", "1"],
size: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
title: "Simulations rank",
palette: "greens",
geom: "rect",
labels: ["20", "", "10", "", "1"],
size: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
title: "Usability rank",
palette: "oranges",
geom: "rect",
labels: ["20", "", "10", "", "1"],
size: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
title: "Scalability rank",
palette: "greys",
geom: "rect",
labels: ["20", "", "10", "", "1"],
size: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
For each palette used in the column_info
, we provide configuration for how to display the legend, with additional legends for Output column (geom image
) and Scaling column (geom text
). Ranking legends use simple rectangles to display progression of colors, with predefined labels.
d3.csv('scib_summary.csv').then((data) => {
data = prepareData(data);"#app").node().appendChild(funkyheatmap(
undefined, // row info
undefined, // row groups
legends, // legends
{rowHeight: 28}, // position options
{ // heatmap options
labelGroupsAbc: false,
colorByRank: false
false // scaleColumn
We disable scaleColumn
option, because we have preprocessed the data to the [0, 1]
range manually, and disable colorByRank
while providing ranks as separate columns for colors. No need to specify row_info
or row_groups
. Full details are in the documentation: funkyheatmap. For loading the scripts and the surrounding HTML, please see the basic tutorial.