/** @module */
import * as d3 from 'd3';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { rowToColData } from './input_util';
* @typedef {Object} ColumnInfo
* @description Information about a dataframe column and how to display it.
* @property {string} id - column id in the dataset. _Required_
* @property {string} name - name of the column to display above the column
* @property {string} group - name of the group the column belongs to
* @property {string} geom - type of visualization to display the column data. Default is
* `funkyrect` for numerical data, and `text` for categorical data. See {@link module:geoms|geoms}
* for available options
* @property {string} palette - name of the palette to use for coloring the column. Must be defined
* in {@link module:palettes~PaletteMapping|PaletteMapping} or be a default palette
* (see {@link module:palettes~defaultPalettes|defaultPalettes})
* @property {string} id_size - id of the column that will determine the size for display
* @property {string} id_color - id of the column that will determine the color for display
* @property {boolean} colorByRank - whether to color by rank per column instead of by value
* @property {boolean} scaleColumn - whether to scale the column data to `[0, 1]`
* @property {string} label - id of the column that has the values to display as labels over
* the geoms
* @property {string} id_label - synonym for `label`
* @property {string} id_hover_text - id of the column that has the values to display as hover text
* @property {number} width - width of the column, only used for `bar` and `image` geoms
* @property {Object} options - additional options for the column
* @property {string} options.palette - synonym for `palette`
* @property {number} options.width - synonym for `width`
* @property {boolean} options.drawGuide - whether to draw a guide at maximum for the bar geom
* column
* @property {boolean} options.draw_outline - synonym for `options.drawGuide`
* @property {('left'|'center'|'right')} options.align - alignment of the text for `text` geom
* @property {number} options.fontSize - font size for the `text` geom
* @typedef {Object} ColumnGroup
* @description Information about a group of columns for display. Creating multiple levels of groups
* is possible by specifying `level1`, `level2`, etc. with increasing numbers. The columns are not
* sorted by <em class="pname">funkyheatmapjs</em>, so the columns should have the groups on the
* adjacent positions.
* @property {string} group - name of the group, must correspond to the `group` field in
* {@link module:columns~ColumnInfo|ColumnInfo}
* @property {string} level1 - name of the first level of the grouping. If not specified, derived
* from the `group` field
* @property {string} level2 - name of the second level of the grouping, if necessary
* @property {string} level… - further levels of the grouping are possible
* @property {string} palette - name of the palette to use for coloring the background of the group,
* the middle of the palette is used
* @class
* @property {string} id - column id in the dataset
* @property {boolean} numeric - whether the column is numeric, computed from the data.
* See {@link module:columns~isNumeric|isNumeric} for details.
* @property {boolean} categorical - whether the column is categorical, computed from the data
* @property {string} name - name of the column to display above the column
* @property {string} group - name of the group the column belongs to
* @property {string} id_size - id of the column that will determine the size for display
* @property {string} id_color - id of the column that will determine the color for display
* @property {boolean} colorByRank - whether to color by rank per column instead of by value, only
* for `numeric` columns
* @property {boolean} scaleColumn - whether to scale the column data to `[0, 1]`
* @property {string} label - id of the column that has the values to display as labels over the
* geoms
* @property {string} id_hover_text - id of the column that has the values to display as hover text
* @property {string} geom - type of the geom to display
* @property {Array} data - array of data for the column
* @property {number} min - minimum value in the column, for `numeric` columns. `0` if
* `scaleColumn === false`
* @property {number} max - maximum value in the column, for `numeric` columns. `1` if
* `scaleColumn === false`
* @property {number} range - range of the column, for `numeric` columns
* @property {d3.scaleLinear} scale - scale for the column, for `numeric` columns
* @property {d3.scaleLinear} colorScale - scale for the color, for `colorByRank` `numeric` columns
* @property {number[]} rankedData - ranks of the data, for `colorByRank` `numeric` columns
* @property {Object.<number, number>} normalizedRanks - mapping of rank to normalized rank, for
* `colorByRank` `numeric` columns. See
* {@link module:columns.Column#maybeCalculateStats|maybeCalculateStats}
export class Column {
* Initialize a column with checks, defaults, and stats calculation.
* @param {module:columns~ColumnInfo} info - column configuration
* @param {Array} data - array of data for the column
* @param {string[]} columnNames - names of the columns in the dataset, to do cross-checks
constructor(info, data, columnNames) {
id: this.id,
name: this.name,
group: this.group,
id_size: this.id_size,
id_color: this.id_color,
colorByRank: this.colorByRank,
scaleColumn: this.scaleColumn,
label: this.label,
id_hover_text: this.id_hover_text,
geom: this.geom,
palette: this.palette,
width: this.width,
options: this.options
} = info);
this.data = data;
// defaults
this.colorByRank = this.colorByRank || false;
this.label = this.label || info.id_label;
const value = data[0];
// geoms text and pie are always categorical
if (isNumeric(value) && this.geom !== 'text' && this.geom !== 'pie') {
this.numeric = true;
this.categorical = false;
} else {
this.numeric = false;
this.categorical = true;
// disable numerical options for categorical data
this.colorByRank = false;
this.scaleColumn = false;
if (this.name === undefined) {
this.name = this.id;
if (this.options === undefined) {
this.options = {};
if (this.options.width !== undefined && this.width === undefined) {
this.width = this.options.width;
if (this.options.palette !== undefined && this.palette === undefined) {
this.palette = this.options.palette;
if (this.geom === undefined) {
if (this.numeric) {
this.geom = 'funkyrect';
} else {
this.geom = 'text';
if (this.palette === undefined) {
if (this.geom === 'pie') {
this.palette = 'categorical';
if (this.geom === 'text') {
this.palette = 'none';
if (this.numeric) {
this.palette = 'numerical';
if (this.width === undefined) {
if (this.geom === 'bar') {
this.width = 4;
if (this.geom === 'image' && this.width === undefined) {
throw `Please, specify width for column with geom=image`;
if (this.geom === 'bar' && this.options.draw_outline !== undefined) {
this.options.drawGuide = this.options.draw_outline;
if (this.label !== undefined && !columnNames.includes(this.label)) {
throw `Column ${this.id} has label=${this.label}, which is not in the data`;
if (this.id_color !== undefined && !columnNames.includes(this.id_color)) {
throw `Column ${this.id} has id_color=${this.id_color}, which is not in the data`;
if (this.id_size !== undefined && !columnNames.includes(this.id_size)) {
throw `Column ${this.id} has id_size=${this.id_size}, which is not in the data`;
if (this.id_hover_text !== undefined && !columnNames.includes(this.id_hover_text)) {
throw (
`Column ${this.id} has id_hover_text=${this.id_hover_text},`
+ ` which is not in the data`
this.sortState = null;
if (this.numeric) {
* Calculate stats, scales and maybe ranks for the column. Should be called only for `numeric`
* columns. If `colorByRank` is set, data is ranked, and ranks with ties are normalized to
* unique ranks.
* Sets `min`, `max`, `range`, `scale`, `colorScale`, `rankedData`, `normalizedRanks`
* properties.
* In case there are ties in ranks, d3 will return ranks like `[0, 0, 2]` skipping rank `1`.
* So we renormalize the ranks from `[0, 2]` to `[0, 1]`, and map the colors to the number
* of unique ranks only. Otherwise we allocate 3 colors for `[0, 0, 2]` data, and the
* display colors won't fully map the palette. In this case `normalizedRanks` will be
* `{0: 0, 2: 1}`.
maybeCalculateStats() {
this.data = this.data.map(d => +d);
let extent = [0, 1];
if (this.scaleColumn) {
extent = d3.extent(this.data);
[this.min, this.max] = extent;
this.range = this.max - this.min;
this.scale = d3.scaleLinear().domain(extent);
if (this.colorByRank) {
this.rankedData = d3.rank(this.data);
const uniqueRanks = _.uniq(this.rankedData);
const rankedRanks = d3.rank(uniqueRanks);
this.normalizedRanks = _.zipObject(uniqueRanks, rankedRanks);
this.colorScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, uniqueRanks.length - 1]);
* Get value for the item, which is size for numeric or display for text/pie.
* @param {Object} item - data item with our column
* @returns {number|string|number[]} - value for sizing or displaying the item
getValue(item) {
if (this.id_size !== undefined) {
return item[this.id_size];
if (this.numeric) {
return +item[this.id];
return item[this.id];
* Get value for coloring the item.
* @param {Object} item - data item with our column
* @param {number} itemPos - data item position in the dataframe. Needed for getting the rank
* with ties.
* @returns {number|string} - value for coloring the item
getColorValue(item, itemPos) {
if (this.id_color !== undefined) {
return item[this.id_color];
if (this.colorByRank) {
const rank = this.rankedData[itemPos];
const normalizedRank = this.normalizedRanks[rank];
return normalizedRank;
return item[this.id];
* Get text to display in a tooltip over the geom when mouse hovers it.
* @param {Object} item - data item with our column
* @param {number} floatPrecision - number of decimal places to display for float values
* @returns {string} - text to display in tooltip when mouse hovers the geom
getHoverText(item, floatPrecision) {
if (['text', 'image'].includes(this.geom) && this.id_hover_text === undefined) {
let value = item[this.id];
if (this.id_hover_text !== undefined) {
value = item[this.id_hover_text];
if (this.numeric) {
value = +value;
if (_.isNumber(value) && !_.isInteger(value)) {
return value.toFixed(floatPrecision);
return `${value}`;
sort() {
if (this.sortState === "desc") {
this.sortState = "asc";
return d3.ascending;
this.sortState = "desc";
return d3.descending;
* Assemble all column information needed for drawing
* @param {RowData} data - dataset
* @param {module:columns~ColumnInfo[]} columnInfo - properties of the columns for drawing, which
* will by modified in place
* @param {boolean} scaleColumn - whether to min-max scale data for column, default for all columns
* @param {boolean} colorByRank - whether to color by rank instead of by value, default for all
* columns
export function createColumns(data, columnInfo, scaleColumn, colorByRank) {
const colData = rowToColData(data);
const columnNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(colData);
if (columnInfo === undefined || columnInfo.length === 0) {
console.info("No column info specified, assuming all columns are to be displayed.");
columnInfo = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(colData).map(id => {
return {id: id}
if (colorByRank) {
columnInfo.forEach(info => {
info.colorByRank === undefined && (info.colorByRank = true);
if (scaleColumn) {
columnInfo.forEach(info => {
info.scaleColumn === undefined && (info.scaleColumn = true);
return columnInfo.map(info => {
let column = info.id;
if (column === undefined) {
throw "Column info must have id field corresponding to the column in the data";
return new Column(info, colData[column], columnNames);
* Check and prepare column group information
* @param {ColumnGroup[]} columnGroups - information about column groups, empty array if not
* specified
* @param {Column[]} columnInfo - information about columns, to crosscheck
* @returns {ColumnGroup[]} - column groups with defaults filled in, if necessary
export function buildColumnGroups(columnGroups, columnInfo) {
if (columnGroups.length === 0 && columnInfo.some(i => i.group)) {
"No column groups specified, but some columns have group, building automatically"
columnGroups = columnInfo
.filter(i => i.group)
.map(i => i.group);
columnGroups = [...new Set(columnGroups)];
columnGroups = columnGroups.map(group => {
return {group: group}
if (columnGroups.length === 0) {
return [];
columnInfo.forEach(i => {
if (i.group && !columnGroups.some(g => g.group === i.group)) {
throw `Column group ${i.group} is not specified in columnGroups`;
let allGroups = columnInfo.filter(i => i.group).map(i => i.group);
let unused = columnGroups.filter(i => !allGroups.includes(i.group));
if (unused.length > 0) {
console.warn(`Unused column groups: ${unused.map(i => i.group).join(', ')}`);
columnGroups.forEach(i => {
if (i.palette === undefined) {
i.palette = 'none';
if (columnGroups[0].level1 === undefined) {
console.info("Column groups did not specify `level1`. Using group id as level1")
columnGroups.forEach(i => {
i.level1 = i.group.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + i.group.slice(1);
return columnGroups;
* Test if a value is a number, including strings that can be coerced to a number.
* @param {*} str - value to test
* @returns {boolean} - if the value is a number
function isNumeric(str) {
if (typeof str === 'number') return true;
if (typeof str !== 'string') return false;
// use type coercion to parse the _entirety_ of the string
// (`parseFloat` alone does not do this)...
return !Number.isNaN(str)
&& !Number.isNaN(parseFloat(str)); // ...and ensure strings of whitespace fail